Date:November 26-28,2014
Venue:AIT Conference Center (AITCC),
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand
Map to AITCC (Thai) (English)
Registration fee will be collected at the venue of the symposium, Only cash (Thai Baht or Japanese Yen) is acceptable. The fee includes full attendance for the three-day activities, including academic and social events, technical tour and symposium proceedings as well as materials supplied by the symposium organizing office.
We will have a Field Trip on November 26, 2014.
[Tentative schedule]
We will have a Field Trip on November 26, 2014.
Please refer to the agenda for details.
Financial support will be given to the selected oral presenters from developing countries (The country here does not mean the nationality but the place of residence). We are not able to assist students due to our administration rule.